Saturday, October 7, 2017

Congratulations, Terry!

Just sharing this for those of you not on Facebook or Instagram...

B.C. member Terry Aske's piece, Rain with a Chance of Sun, has not only been juried in to the SPUN exhibit in Bridgeport, Connecticut, but is also featured on the poster advertising this event!

Congratulations, Terry!

Rain with a Chance of Sun
(C) Terry Aske

If you look at the list of artists on the above clip of the poster, you'll see the name of a former SAQA Western Canada member...Mardell Rampton.  Well done, WC artists!  

Sunday, October 1, 2017

TFAM is Coming!

What's TFAM?

Textile and Fibre Artists of Manitoba!
All textile and fibre artists in Manitoba are invited to become members of TFAM.

An inaugural meeting will be held Wednesday, October 25, 2017, 7:00 to 8:00 pm, at Creative Manitoba, 300 – 245 McDermot Avenue, Winnipeg.

Email if you are interested in attending or would like more information. 

Interested, but cannot attend the meeting?  Email with your contact information and we will keep you informed.

Susan Selby
SAQA WC member Susan Selby of Manitoba tells us more...

We are excited to announce the inaugural meeting of the Textile and Fibre Artists of Manitoba (TFAM).  The meeting will take place in the Small Meeting Room at Creative Manitoba, 300 - 245 McDermot Avenue, Winnipeg on Wednesday, October 25 from 7:00 to 8:00 pm.  Refreshments and discussions to follow.

All textile and fibre artists in Manitoba are potential members of this group.  Our goals are:
* Networking amongst the diverse artists throughout the province.  Technology will be used for those in remote areas;
* Sharing our expertise and experience;
* Advocacy for our arts, promoting the art forms, arranging group shows; and
* Learning and encouraging artistic development.

 A newsletter will keep members informed and meetings will rotate throughout the province. 

If you are interested in our mandate but unable to attend this meeting, we would still like to hear from you; please email to introduce yourself and share your experiences.  Your ideas will be welcomed.

TFAM Steering Committee,
Yvonne Carlson, Elaine Filyk, Susan Selby, Cathie Ugrin and Krista Zeghers

Moody Manitoba Morning
Susan Selby

Editor's Note: due to the distances between us across the SAQA Western Canada Region, getting a group together is a challenge (just ask your Regional Co-Reps, past and present!)  We need to support each other and our work, and come together with enthusiasm and engagement, whether in a POD, at a Regional Retreat, a SAQA Conference -- or just over a cup of coffee.  Best wishes to Susan and her colleagues for the success of this initiative!