Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Saskatchewan/ Manitoba Parlour Meeting Update

Hello Members,
Thanks for taking the time to get back to me with a date preference for the March Parlour Meeting.

The date is March 31st, 2012 from 10:30 am - 3:30 pm at Anna Hergert's home and studio.
If you have not been here please contact me for directions.

Not a member yet? Here is your chance to check out the group and its members. Come along and see what SAQA is all about. Email me , the link to the right is live and you can just click on it to start corresponding!

Manitoba members: Mark April 13th on your calendar for a lunch time meeting. I will let you know where we will gather. Bring friends or anyone interested in SAQA.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Saskatchewan / Manitoba Parlour Meeting

Hello Saskatchewan/Manitoba SAQA Members,

It has been a while since out last parlour meeting and I just had a look at my calendar to determine a suitable date to get together. Let's gather before too much more time goes by and meet the newest members.
I have three date options available and urge you to voice your preference:

Friday, March 2nd, 2012
Friday, March 9th, 2012
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Please take moment,  check your calendars and get back to me as soon as possible. The date chosen with the most votes will be selected.
I will post this on the Western Canada Blog as well to generate interest.

There are several tentative topics for the agenda but I encourage all of you to make suggestions to ensure your interests are met.

Meeting will start at 10:30 am
Short introductions
Update on various SAQA developments
Pot luck lunch
Discussion topic:  Taking successful photographs for submissions
Show and share: getting to know each other better through the presentation of our recent work.
Meeting concludes by 3:30 pm

If you have a friend or fellow quilt artist that may be interested in checking out SAQA, please bring them along.

For the members in Manitoba: I will be in Winnipeg for the quilt show and have April 13th off. Ditte, our longest Manitoba SAQA member will be spending the day with me and if interest exists, we could plan to meet over lunch. Please let me know as soon as possible! Email me!

Anna Hergert
SAQA Western Canada Co-Rep

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Best of the West Update

Thank you to those Western Canada SAQA members who have already responded with their intent to participate in the "Best of the West" traveling trunkshow.

The Alberta Museum has expressed strong interest and a large regional AB quilt show has provided space for the one foot square art pieces comprising the traveling trunkshow.

If you have not already expressed your intent to support this project please do so soon. We are not asking for work that is finished at this time. We just want to hear from you and that we can count on you to be part of this exciting event! Please email Patti and Jill to help us plan the events and exhibitions!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Western Canada SAQA members "Travelling Trunk Show"

'Meet The Best of the West"

“Meet the Best of the West”
“Western Canada SAQA Members” Travelling Trunk Show”
This call to participate is open to all Western SAQA Members.

Check out the details on the "Calls for Entry" page!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

SAQA's New Definition of a Quilt

 by Board Member Kris Sazaki

For quite a while now, SAQA has realized that its definition of the art quilt does not adequately reflect the diversity of what our members produce. Therefore, the organization conducted a survey of its members during Spring 2011 and received 698 responses. Based on the survey responses and lengthy Board discussions, the SAQA Board has adopted the following definition of the art quilt:

"The art quilt is a creative visual work that is layered and stitched or that references this form of stitched layered structure."

The Board sees the revised definition as a visionary statement. The word "references" allows for a broader understanding of the art quilt, thus creating a potential for growth in SAQA membership in terms of numbers and diversity of artists. The revised definition allows for 3D work and work in media other than fiber/textile/fabric/cloth; it allows for techniques and materials not found in traditional quilting. The revised definition allows for framed, unframed, bound, and unbound work, thereby welcoming growth and development of individual style. The revised definition may not necessarily change submission requirements for any one show or exhibition. Those requirements, as always, remain the purview of the exhibition's curators.

The Board could have chosen not to define the art quilt. After all, many arts organizations do not define their art. It is simply understood. But, SAQA wants to be the resource for quilt artists and to fulfill its mission to educate the public on the art quilt. Adequately helping people understand what an art quilt is became an important reason to revise the definition. In reading the results of the survey and the artist statements from our 2011-13 Trunk Show, it became clear that the previous definition was also confusing - even to our own membership. It was also too long and cumbersome to recite when asked, "What is an art quilt?" Too often people were left trying to explain what the definition meant, thereby defeating its purpose.

This definition will not necessarily change how you work and create, but it will hopefully allow you to more easily convey to others what you produce. Rest assured that SAQA will continue to support you in your artistic endeavors.